
Jinnan Android Meetup Vol.1

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:00 - 21:00 JST

Tech Lab PAAK

〒150-0041 Tokyo, Shibuya 神南1丁目20−9 6F


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(English follows Japanese)

渋谷のアップルストア上のコミュニティースペース、Tech Lab PAAKでAndroidアプリ開発のノウハウを共有する実験的なミートアップを開催します。

第一部: Android Wearに特化した通知機能のデザインと実装

Android Wearデバイスに効果的なタイミングで通知を発行する方法
Android Wear向けに通知のUIをカスタムする方法
Android PhoneとWearで通知のデザインやタイミングを分ける方法
(Mac Book, Android Studio, Android端末をご用意ください。可能であればAndroid Wearデバイスもお持ちください。)


Goldrush Computing株式会社代表。SonyEricssonにてXperia X10の開発に携わった後起業。Android、iOS、Naoqi Robot OS向けにアプリの開発を行っている

第二部: Androidで動かすはじめてのDeep Learning

Googleから昨年公開されたDeep Learningライラリ"TensorFlow"を使い、Android上でDeep Learningを試してみます。
簡単なデモを実際に書いて動かしてみながら、Deep Learning、およびその元となっているNerural Netの仕組みをできるかぎり分かりやすく説明いたします。
(Mac Book, Android Studio, Android端末をご用意ください)


Narrative Nights株式会社代表。Sony Computer Entertainment、Cyber Step にて、10年以上ゲーム開発に携わった後独立。最近ではAndroid、iOS向けに、GPUを使った画像処理およびデータ可視化アプリの開発を行っている。

This meetup is to share advanced topics of Android app development.
The style of this meetup is more like a workshop where attendees use their hands to setup and try some sample projects to understand the topics deeply.
To let attendees get the most out of our workshop, we would like to invite only programmers who are familiar with Android programing using Android Studio.

This meetup is the 1st event, so it will be a rather experimental one, but we want to make it a regular event.

We have two sessions this time.

How to design custom push notifications for Android Wear

Through notifications, you can invite your users to your app’s feature via Android Wear device with the most natural and powerful flow.
If you are already a user of one of the modern wearable devices such as Android Wear or Apple Watch, you must know how well designed push notifications on the wearable devices could make you trigger the action of using the app’s feature..
The design of push notification for wearable devices should often be different from the one for handheld devices. You often need to make fully costumed notifications only for wearable devices.
In this workshop we’ll explain;

  • How to make custom push notification design for wearable devices.
  • How to send different style of notifications to phones and wearable devices.
  • How to setup scheduled notifications for wearable devices. Please bring your MacBook with Android Studio installed. You will be able to enjoy the workshop more if you have an Android phone and an Android Wear device.
Speaker: Takamitsu Mizutori

Takamitsu is a programmer and the founder of Goldrush Computing Inc., a Tokyo based tech consultancy company. He started his career at Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications where he took part in the development of 3G, Symbian and Android mobile phones for the global market. He started Goldrush Computing Inc late 2009, and has been developing apps for iOS, Android and Naoqi Robot OS.

Intro to Deep Learning on Android

In this session we'll try Deep Learning on Android with Tensorflow library released by Google last year.
Through building simple deep learning demo on Android step by step, I'll explain the basis of Neural Net and Deep Learning as easy as I can.
(Please bring your Mac Book with Android Studio installed.)

Speaker: Kosuke Miyoshi

Kosuke is a programmer and the founder of Narrative Nights Inc. He started Narrative Nights Inc after experiencing game development for more than 10 years at Sony Computer Entertainment and Cyber Step. He has been developing iOS and Android app with GPU based image processing and data visualization.

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Jinnan Android Meetup

Jinnan Android Meetup


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